Sustainable Graphic Design – Boku Casino Project

We must raise awareness of how our acts are affecting and contaminating our planet more and more, which damages our future. It’s important to change these behaviors and create more sustainable measures for the environment. That’s why, if you are working in the world of graphic design, here we have some tips to follow and implement on green graphic designs:

Boku Casino Project – Example of Sustainable Design

boku casino green designIt’s easy to speak about “going green” and to use buzz words such as sustainability. The real chalenges lie in implementation of such ideas. We have used our expertise and experience to completely redesign Boku Casino payments page in a way that is good for the environment. On SearingIdolatry we believe good design is not just functional and as little design as possible, as Dieter Rams once said, we also believe that it is smart in a way that it protects the environment. It anticipates the usage and creates solutions that lead the users for using the more sustainable path.

Boku payment method for casinos was a perfect fit for this. In wake of Bitcoins popularity, many online casinos have started using the crypto payments system to process payments. This is horrible for the environment as every transactions uses amount of electricity that could be useful for a common household for the whole day. On the other hand, casinos that accept Boku reduce their footprint since the payment method only uses energy to send 2 SMS’.

Below we list principles we used to redesign the Boku payments page in order to make it more user friendly and energy efficient – because every clicks costs CO2 and hurts the planet..

Save Energy

This is important. Without electricity, no business can work, especially the ones related to graphic design because they’re constantly drawing, designing, printing, using computers, cell phones, or any other technological article.

However, everything has a solution, by using low energy bulbs you will be collaborating with the energy saving, but above all, you must turn off any electronic device that you aren’t using.

Save Water

In any business or house, water is necessary to keep your workplace clean. To help the environment, you can close any open taps that you aren’t using.

Convincing Your Client

In case the client has concrete ideas for any design or work they want, you must use your professional knowledge to be able to implement any “green” measure that you believe you can put into practice.

That is not a limitation, there are great ideas that you can apply while you also help the environment. Many companies carry out this type of design, but you must be sufficiently prepared to do this type of work and be able to please your client.

You Must Recycle

In the world of graphic design, they work with different types of materials to carry out any kind of commissioned work. They’re constantly discarding many items that are no longer used or are waste of any project.

So, you must recycle all the materials that you think would be useful for any future job and propose that others do too. You must do the same with any electronic device or design machinery that you have. No matter how old they are, you never know when they can save you in any hurry.

If you think it’s in good condition, you can save it. Or if you just want to get rid of those big gadgets, you can donate them to any foundation, college, or any other public institution that may need it.

Company Policy

It’s necessary to try to implement different ecological measures in the companies’ policies to apply when working with all the clients. It’s a good way to get to know more about this green mobilization and to invite a whole working community to join in.


You should try to start working with ecologically sustainable printers. You also need to try to use sustainable scorecards with printed materials. But above all, don’t let this stop your inspiration, you can make great ecological designs.

For graphic designers, these tips should be implemented as a work lifestyle to follow when doing any type of job in graphic design areas. We must look for alternative measures like these or any other that help to save the environment.